Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mental Map
The map shown is a mental map, in which a person's specific point-of-view perception of a particular concrete or abstract concept is depicted. Every person's "mental map" (also called a "mind map", which ultimately comes from the idea of conceptual mapping) is unique to them; no one has the same mental map. The possibilities of what could be shown on a mental map are endless: everything from the continents, to neighborhoods, to internet sites could be shown on a mental map. For example, a kindergartener's visual of the Earth & it's continents will be different/not as exact as a high schooler's; similarly, an idea of what the internet looks like to a high schooler (i.e, Facebook, Tumblr, e-mail, etc.) will be different than an elderly person's. Simply put, a mental map is a physical representation of a specific visual that originated inside someone's brain/mind.
The mental map depicted above shows someone's view of what the Nottingham City Centre looked like in 1997.

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