Sunday, July 17, 2011

Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps are generally posters or pictures that are used to send a strong political message. These are used in times of war and need, and try to capture the public's attention, and sway their opinion. All maps are actually political in some sense, because they reflect the interest of their producers. Map-makers can use scale or distortion to their advantage(s), and leave data or geological features out. However, maps that depict symbols or other words can be branded as posters, and these act in a manner that is favorable to one position, and often against (or defaming the name of) another position. Propaganda is ultimately used to obtain power, and a map is simply another tool for doing so.
The propaganda map shown above is a Japanese representation of the Russian control during the 1905 Russo-Japanese War. The Russians are depicted as the "Black Octopus", with incredibly forceful and violent tentacles. This map-maker was clearly trying to gain the rest of the country's - or the outside world's - sympathy.

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